Cristina Luna

Cristina Luna was born in Mexico City in 1963. She studied Music in the National Conservatory and earned an undergraduate degree in Visual Arts specializing in Graphic Arts at the school of painting, sculpture and prints known as “La Esmeralda.” In 1993 she entered Luis Velasco’s painting workshop and in 1994 she took a painting techniques course with painter Roberto Parodi. In 1994 she was chosen in the Seventh Rufino Tamayo Biennale and in 1995 she participated in the Graphics Biennale in Puerto Rico. That same year she was invited to participate in an artist’s residence at Villa Montalvo, in Saratoga, California. In 1999 she worked on monumental banners El transcurrir del Día y la Noche (The Passage from Day to Night) presented in the building housing the offices of the Benito Juárez delegation (borough) in Mexico City. In 2001 Cristina Luna moved from Mexico City to the town of San Agustín Etla, Oaxaca, where she currently paints. Cristina Luna has had sixteen solo exhibitions, the most recent of which are Primeros Indicios . . . Últimas Incidencias (Fist Indications . . . Final Incidents) at the Galería Torre del Reloj, Mexico City in June 2008; De Encuentros y Paradigmas (Of Encounters and Paradigms) at the Bodega Quetzalli, Oaxaca City in November 2007; Correspondencias (Correspondences) in the Diego Rivera Museum-House in the city of Guanajuato, May and June 2006; Presencias (Presences) in the Mayra Nakatani Gallery in Mexico City in 2004; she has also participated in different collective exhibitions in Mexico, the United States, and Puerto Rico. In 2007 Cristina Luna exhibited in the collective Guenda of women artists, who were invited that same year to participate in the festival in Guantánamo, Cuba, with the exhibition Paralajes (Parallaxes). She also belongs to the collective MAMAZ (Women Artists for Maize) participating in the exhibition El Maíz es Nuestra Vida (Corn is Our Life) in the Natural History Museum in Mexico City; and in Bolsa del Mercado (Market Bag), an itinerant exhibition on display in the city of Oaxaca, Mexico City, and in Cuba. In October 2009 she was invited to an artistic residency in Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, and she participated in that same city in the exhibition: Voz-Voice: The Arts of Resistance and Resilience in the Yukon Art Center.